This less known light technique is more and more applied lately because of it’s decorative effects and technical features that are not achievable with any other technique. It goes for distribution of exclusively visual part of electromagnetic spectrum (just light without UV and IR radiation) by using the principle of total reflection inside the lightconductive media from the light source to the lighting spot. The light conductor is in the form of monofiber or multifiber cable made of polymer (PMMA – polymethylmethacrylate) or glass.
With knowing of technology of application that system gives unbelievable possibilities of lighting that depend on inventivity of lighting designer and quality of preliminary work and installation.
The result of application can be both technical and decorative lighting, indoor and outdoor.
Since 2000 we realized a lot of breathtaking projects from the idea to installation with support of our partner and supplier Advanced Fiber Optics from Spain. All the examples we produced can give you confidence that we can solve problem of lighting in your case too.

Floor application
Ceiling applications
Outdoor Lighting
Outdoor pools
Wall applications